U.S. Equities
The Cboe U.S. Equities Exchanges have a history of being some of the most resilient and reliable in the global exchange industry. Through our four exchanges BZX, BYX, EDGX, EDGA our team provides best-in-class customer service and cost-effective, reliable and accurate data solutions for all users. Our most popular U.S. Equities data product the Cboe One Feed provides high-quality, real-time reference quotes and trade details in a unified view from all four Cboe U.S. Equities Exchanges. View our complete U.S. equities data offering below.
Most Active
The current, most actively traded securities on the Cboe Exchanges.
Inside Bid | Inside Ask | ||||
Symbol | Shares | Shares | Price | Price | Shares |
1.NVDA | 11,983,610 | 200 | 119.50 | 119.55 | 720 |
2.INTC | 6,271,420 | 563 | 25.85 | 26.00 | 822 |
3.MSTU | 6,037,601 | 3,100 | 5.93 | 5.96 | 6,968 |
4.QBTS | 5,509,918 | 510 | 10.90 | 11.00 | 500 |
5.TSLZ | 5,019,149 | 5,100 | 5.52 | 5.53 | 5,000 |
6.FXI | 4,810,339 | 100 | 38.55 | 38.59 | 500 |
7.ITUB | 4,792,058 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 |
8.HEPA | 4,590,491 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 |
9.SOXL | 4,184,085 | 10 | 20.85 | 20.88 | 100 |
10.TSLA | 4,033,992 | 20 | 235.80 | 237.99 | 20 |
Book Viewer
Orders Accepted | Total Volume | Expand All | Select MIC to filter: | |
6,042,282 | 11,983,610 |
Top of Book | Last 10 Trades | |||||
Shares | Price | Time | Price | Shares | ||
Asks | 100 | 119.95 | 19:46:08 | 119.57 | 1 | |
2 | 119.85 | 19:45:44 | 119.58 | 1 | ||
500 | 119.74 | 19:45:28 | 119.59 | 1 | ||
100 | 119.58 | 19:45:26 | 119.58 | 2 | ||
720 | 119.55 | 19:45:25 | 119.58 | 22 | ||
Bids | 200 | 119.50 | 19:45:15 | 119.57 | 5 | |
1 | 119.46 | 19:44:51 | 119.56 | 16 | ||
3 | 119.35 | 19:44:07 | 119.57 | 40 | ||
1 | 119.15 | 19:44:02 | 119.57 | 2 | ||
1 | 119.09 | 19:43:40 | 119.56 | 95 |
U.S. Equities Market Data Products
- Cboe One Equities Feed
The Cboe One Equities Feed provides cost-effective, high-quality reference quotes and trade data for market participants looking for comprehensive, real-time market data. With one license, market participants receive a unified view of the market from all four Cboe U.S. Equities Exchanges: BZX Exchange, BYX Exchange, EDGX Exchange and EDGA Exchange. Two versions of the feed are available, Cboe One Summary Feed and Cboe One Premium Feed allowing recipients to select the level of depth they wish to receive.
The Cboe One Equities Feed is also available via Cboe Global Cloud.
For more information about Cboe One Equities Feed, please visit the product page or contact us.
For additional resources, visit our Document Library.
- Depth (Full Depth of Book)
Cboe Depth is available in Multicast and TCP PITCH and provides real-time, depth-of-book quotations and execution information. Multicast PITCH is offered with nearly half the latency of TCP PITCH and 20% fewer PITCH events. This is achieved by using binary messages (PITCH 2.0). Cboe offers a WAN-shaped and Gig-shaped version of the Multicast feed, both available from Cboe's primary datacenter. Members or market data recipients may choose one or more of the four Multicast PITCH feed options depending on their location and connectivity to Cboe.
Cboe TCP PITCH data feed offers uncompressed depth of book quotations and execution information using ASCII messaging (PITCH 1.0).
For more information about Depth (Full Depth of Book), please contact us.
For additional resources, visit our Document Library.
- Summary Depth (Aggregate Depth of Book)
Cboe Summary Depth delivers real-time aggregated depth and trade information in Multicast format. Cboe Summary Depth is disseminated on a per-exchange basis, and can be utilized by customers and vendors to quickly access and distribute aggregated order-book data to employees within their own organizations or provide externally as part of a product offering. Each feed provides five price-levels of aggregated depth per security, including the bid, ask and share quantity for orders received by each Cboe U.S. Equities Exchange as well as the last trade, including time of execution, price and share quantity.
For more information about Summary Depth (Aggregate Depth of Book), please contact us.
For additional resources, visit our Document Library.
- Top (Top of Book)
Cboe Top is ideal for market data distributors requiring both quote and trade data. Cboe Top is a real-time TCP feed that disseminates top-of-book quotations, matched trade price, volume and execution time on a Cboe book. The Cboe Top feed offers up to 66% reduction in events and an 84% reduction in bandwidth compared to the Cboe’s Depth TCP PITCH feed using ASCII messaging (PITCH 1.0). By only showing top-of-book quotes and trades, Cboe Top offers a significant reduction in required bandwidth and processing. Cboe Top does not send depth-of-book information and does not show hidden or routed orders.
Cboe BZX Top and EDGX Top are also available via Cboe Global Cloud.
For more information about Top (Top of Book), please contact us.
For additional resources, visit our Document Library.
- Last Sale (Matched Trades Only)
Last Sale is ideal for market data distributors requiring trade data only. It is a real-time, intraday TCP feed that disseminates matched trade price, volume and execution time on a Cboe book. Because quotes are not shown, Last Sale results in much less data than other feeds and requires less technology development for users.
For more information about Last Sale (Matched Trades Only), please contact us.
For additional resources, visit our Document Library.