Roundhill Small Cap 0DTE Covered Call Strategy ETF

Cboe: RDTE

Listed September 10, 2024

The Roundhill Small Cap 0DTE Covered Call Strategy ETF (RDTE) is the first ETF to utilize zero days to expiry (0DTE) options on a small cap index (the "Small Cap Index" as defined in the Fund Prospectus). RDTE seeks to provide overnight exposure to the Small Cap Index and generate income each morning by selling out-of-the-money 0DTE calls on the Small Cap Index. RDTE is an actively-managed ETF.


  • Weekly Distributions* - RDTE seeks to pay weekly distributions out of sold option premiums.
  • Income Potential - RDTE seeks to generate income through a synthetic covered call strategy on the Small Cap Index.
  • Harness Volatility - RDTE sells 0DTE options on the Small Cap Index and seeks to exploit structural market mispricings.

*The Fund currently expects, but does not guarantee, to make distributions on a weekly basis. These distributions may exceed the Funds income and gains for the Funds taxable year. Distributions in excess of the Funds current and accumulated earnings and profits will be treated as a return of capital. Distributions rates caused by unusually favorable market conditions may not be sustainable. Such conditions may not continue to exist and there should be no expectation that this performance may be repeated in the future.

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Roundhill Investments is a U.S.-based investment adviser focused on developing innovative exchange-traded products. The firm's product lineup currently accounts for more than $1 billion in assets under management. To learn more about the company, please visit