Kensington Hedged Premium Income ETF

Cboe: KHPI

Listed September 05, 2024

Allocates to S&P 500 ETFs for potential equity growth and dividend income, while utilizing active option strategies to hedge against market savings and generate premium income.

Investment Objective
Kensington Hedged Premium Income ETF (KHPI) seeks current income with the potential for capital appreciation.

Key Characteristics
  • Attractive Income: Seeks to provide compelling, managed income through a combination of option premiums and equity dividends
  • Participate in Rising Markets: Utilizes option writing strategy that strives to capture upside potential from an underlying equity portfolio while only partially limiting gains, unlike traditional derivative income strategies
  • Downside Hedge: Options hedging strategy can reduce drawdowns during times of stress, allowing investors to stay invested and avoid emotional decision-making
  • Expertise: Portfolio Management team leverages over 60 years of combined experience to employ active options management aimed at maximizing results
  • Tax Efficiency: Leverages S&P 500 Index Options that are classified as IRS Section 1256 contracts, which are subject to lower tax rates - 60% long-term / 40% short-term capital gain/loss.

Fact Sheet Prospectus & Information

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About Kensington Asset Management LLC

Kensington specializes in data-driven quantitative decision models that apply to global equity and fixed income markets. We believe the best way to drive long-run performance is to take the emotion out of investing through a systematic methodology designed to recognize and measure consistent and repeating behavioral patterns in the financial markets. We strive to minimize subjectivity in the decision-making process to generate steady, above average positive returns with low volatility and provide downside protection for our clients’ investment portfolios