Market Data Licensing

Get access to the world’s markets by licensing Cboe market data.

Step 1: Sign the Cboe Global Data Agreement

Step 2: Request data through our Onboarding Portal

Depending on which data product a customer selects, the usage of that data will be subject to the applicable Data Policy and Fees. The current relevant documents are summarized in the table below.

U.S. EquitiesU.S. FuturesU.S. OptionsU.S. IndicesFXCanadian EquitiesCryptoEuropean EquitiesEuropean DerivativesEuropean IndicesAustralian EquitiesAustralian IndicesJapanese Equities

Contact Us

U.S. Equities, Options, Futures Support:

+1 212 378 8821 (U.S.)

+44 20 7012 8907 (Europe)

European Equities, Derivatives, Indices Support:

+44 20 7012 8907 (Global)

FX Support:

+1 212 209 1420 (U.S.)

+44 20 7131 3450 (Europe)

+65 6911 6688 (Asia)

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